We are a "boutique" record label that releases way left field recordings that are most of the time shunned because its too "avant garde". Avant garde is a fucking pretentious label and anyone who uses the term deserves to be fucking shot and their blood splatter be made into a Jackson Pollock painting.
Basically CS releases range from outsider folk to improvisational noise to lowercase music to 8-bit madness to electronic trickery and so far the ones in the label roster are:
- Mushroom, the Truth
- King Mango Mustard
- Krysstal Kasstless
- -... - .--. --- --. ...
- K▼L▲M†††B▲R▲NG
And other one off projects. Most of these bands-slash-collectives have outdated myspace pages since they live under a rock or in the mountains or in Japan -- but you could make sure of one thing -- before the world ends come December these people would take over the blogosphere and the entire world with their fucked up releases and that it would most definitely blow your minds!
And did we say we're making limited CD-R releases of each of the records? With hand made packaging and all that DIY bullshit? Pretty nifty for a small label in the Philippines eh?
So without further adieu welcome to Cult Shit Records -- your friendly outsider record label. Get at us bitch!
Cult Shit media blackout 2k12!
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