Because of actual work that pays I've been putting off releasing this little gem.
But since I'm now free from the shackles of meandering slave work, I have all the time in the world to bask in the glory of these two songs. Anna Korsakoff is Francis Maria Regalado from Davao based chaotic hardcore band Caitlyn Bailey, and his more recent Manila ensemble, shoegaze juggernauts, Mount Analogue. But this is not about any of these outfits because Anna Korsakoff is a beast in its own right.
Life in Terminals sounds like the amalgamation of years living in buses and airplanes, in-between lands of noise and honey. Something sweet lurks behind all the noise -- a longing for a place we all call home. The 10-minute epic Life in Terminals would not sound off if Tetsuo hi-jacked the radio airwaves and covered the world in crude metallic fences and cables as vines; while In the Shadow of Emancipatory Dissonance is something any Not Not Fun fan would be proud of droning horror-like but saccharine all at the same time.
Listen to it for yourself. 30 limited edition CD-Rs are available and let me tell you, it would be worth having in your outdated CD collection.
Anna Korsakoff - Life in Terminals EP
Just downloaded this and thought it a wonderful background for getting some work done. It's relaxing in its own sorta way. Still hoping you incorporate some sort of preview of your releases so that one can listen while reading the blog post. cheers!