Surprise, surprise lovers!
Its almost a year since we saw a proper album release from K▼L▲M†††B▲R▲NG. That split with happyboy whet our appetites and the 2 mixes made us dance, no matter how slow, but then - BAM! Out of nowhere, The Last ▲ sneaks its way in to your Valentines day like an unwanted pregnancy most of the people on Earth would have to face 9 months from now. Baby making music delivered right to your computer via your favorite cult record label!
We left KB last time with the chop and screw, crazy noise-crypt hop darkness, ushering evil around these parts. This time around though, we have a more focused affair of post-internet warblings, warping pop music into its grittier, somewhat more malevolent form. Oh but hey, its still Evil with a capital E, only its more mellowed out. More unexpected and ambient - like an attacker lurking in the shadows ready to gut you when you're not looking.
Here's your soundtrack for the love making you'll be doing tonight with your partner, partners or by yourself. Whichever you prefer it to be, we don't judge here in the cult. Go download that now!!